Exploring Different Work Models You Can Use For Your Business
Jul 7, 2022
The COVID 19 pandemic prompted a global strategic shift in business operations. Employees and organizations are now adapting to new work models, from saying goodbye to office cubicles to creating a personalized home office.
We'll look at different work models in this article. We'll then assist you in determining which work model best suits your company's goals and objectives.
What are Work Models?
Work models determine how a company operates on a daily basis. It establishes the strategy and working conditions for employees.
Various organizations have been experimenting with different work models to see how effective they are. Some companies have asked their employees to return to the physical office, while others have issued new WFH guidelines.
And a few companies have given their employees the option of working from home or commuting to a clean office on a daily basis.
Types of Work Models
Fully Remote
Freelancers and full-time employees can work from anywhere in a remote work model, including a nearby cafe, a coworking space, or their own home. They can also work remotely while traveling around the world.
You could even go with a freelance model, in which your entire team is made up of independent contractors who work from home. Companies that choose a fully remote work model save a significant amount of money by not having to maintain a physical headquarters. They can instead concentrate on creating a virtual workspace.
Furthermore, time tracking tools and online productivity platforms allow any team leader to effectively manage work. Team members from various geographical locations and time zones can easily collaborate on common goals.
When employees are not bound by strict rules, they can take better care of themselves. On a typical workday, they can even accommodate a doctor's appointment. Furthermore, employees who work from home reduce their chances of contracting COVID-19.
Furthermore, when employees are able to work independently, they experience less stress because they are not being pressured by their team leader.
Office Work
Employees are expected to log in at specific times from a designated workspace in this work model.
Working from home fosters team spirit because colleagues can easily seek quick, professional advice from one another. This is especially true for employees who work in the social services field. In addition, social workers are required to be in the office more frequently than employees at tech companies.
Such an environment helps team members stay on the same page, from consulting with a coworker to reporting project status to the manager. It also helps to build a strong company culture by allowing for healthy side discussions.
Over time, following this work model establishes a certain discipline and a common work ethic. It teaches everyone the value of professional skills such as punctuality and time management.
Employees in an office have access to a variety of resources, including sophisticated computer systems and knowledgeable colleagues. This could speed up their work progress.
Hybrid Work Model
Some employees are assigned to work remotely, while others are assigned to work in an office setting. Employees can choose to use a combination of both options or follow management's rules.
An employer should be able to identify which departments are required to come into the office. Marketing teams, for example, can work from home if their work can be done online. However, sales and service teams that deal with clients on a regular basis may need to come into the office.
Employees can use the office space for team collaboration under the hybrid model. They can, on the other hand, work independently from home. Employee productivity can be boosted by allowing them to work during their most productive hours and in their most productive environment.
It has a positive impact on the overall performance of the organization.