Exploring The Relationship Between Coworking Spaces And Increased Productivity
Nov 21, 2021
Coworking is evolving as the latest trend in both freelance and mainstream working. Coworking is a form of office setting where people work together in a common space, but not necessarily from the same company or on the same project. Coworkers are independent of each other, but they can bond, inspire, consult, motivate, and work alongside other professionals whenever needed.
When analyzing the growth of coworking spaces, there tends to be a significantly positive relationship as it reflects a boost productivity. Here are the 4 reasons why coworking spaces and productivity exhibit a steady and appealing positive relationship compared to other workspace options.
Fosters A Happy Workspace
More than one-third of the workforce today are millennials. These are types of workers who greatly value social-life friendships and close work relationships. Coworkers tend to love the personal connections coworking makes possible. This allows them to be more engaged and motivated to work while feeling less lonely. All these positive reactions foster happiness within the workplace, which is consequently believed to boost productivity and thereby support a positive relationship.
Enhances Work-Life Balance
Freelancers who work from home face a constant struggle in maintaining a work-life balance. Even if you have a separate workspace at home, the chances of getting distracted are very high. Apart from this, as loneliness and boredom are sure to strike when at home, anybody who works from home can get easily carried away thinking about their problems, which affects productivity.
In contrast, as coworking spaces involve working alongside many other people in a shared yet busy environment. Moreover, as coworking spaces are always active, the probability of being engaged and focused to work within a time frame is guaranteed, again aiding productivity. This allows coworkers to attain the much needed work-life balance and maintain a clear separation from work to home and family.
Seamless Flow Of Ideas
Another essential reason that encourages the positive relationship between coworking and workplace productivity is the seamless flow of ideas. As coworkers work together with like-minded professionals from different backgrounds, industries and sectors, all tend to reflect their own unique set of knowledge, skills, and talents.
So whenever anyone needs support or a little help with work, there are numerous people around that can be reached. Coworkers will not have to step out and get professional help from online portals for advice, consultation, or inspiration. This seamless flow of ideas minimizes time wastage, thereby boosting productivity compared to other alternative workspace options.
Naturally Stimulating
Coworking spaces encourage productivity in many different ways. This mainly comes from working in an environment filled with other working people and not being restricted to cubicles like with conventional workspaces. The sight of seeing people work, consulting one another, the sound of a busy work environment, people helping one another, and bonding highly inspires productivity, which is difficult to cultivate in a conventional workplace.
This is why nowadays, even large companies are making use of coworking spaces, and why 40% of the demand for coworking spaces in the coming years are also said to be coming from larger corporations.
At The Executive Centre, our coworking spaces are much more than having a desk to work at. Our coworking spaces are specially designed to maximize productivity and facilitate connections with like-minded professionals, promising to open you and your business to new opportunities.