Relevance of Ergonomics In The Workplace for Organisational Success
Mar 22, 2024
Ergonomics is the study and application of equipment and furniture in a certain way so that people can do work or any other activity more efficiently and effectively. In the work or office space context, ergonomics is about making the work environment and conditions as conducive as possible to avoid injuries, stress, and other long-term health conditions that may affect the physical well-being of employees. When HR managers think of factors influencing employee productivity, it is quite normal to think of factors like compensation, benefits, rewards, etc. However, there has been a steady change in this preference. Nowadays, employees prefer many non-monetary benefits as the key indicators that make them join and stay in a company. Some of them include culture, flexibility, opportunities for growth, and, more recently, increased demand for mental and physical well-being.
If there is one thing that directly relates to the physical well-being of an employee in the workplace, it has to be their working hours and, most importantly, the furniture that supports them in carrying out their job, whether it is a desk, chair, or even a workspace or cabin in general.
The relationship between workplace furniture and physical well-being is quite direct and positive. This means that the better the workplace furniture and settings support healthy posture, seating, and working arrangements, the easier it is for employees to ensure their physical well-being and vice versa.
Lower back pain, spinal issues, neck strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and eye strain are common causes that result from a not-so-ideal work setting which combines furniture and screens, whether it is a desktop or laptop.
This is exactly why many ergonomists emphasise the importance of how people should interact with their work environments and design or modify workplaces to improve comfort, efficiency, safety, and physical well-being.
Here is a thorough overview of the relevance of ergonomics in the workplace for organisational success.
Ergonomics in the Workplace Reduces Cost
Effective financial management is a key component for organisational success and facilitates profitable investments. By considering ergonomics in the workplace, organisations can prevent costly MSDs (Material Safety Data Sheets). It is estimated that, on average, companies spend at least $1 out of every $3 worker compensation cost on MSDs.
Besides this, with properly executed ergonomics, organisations also benefit financially from an average 75% reduction in lost workdays, a 53% reduction in restricted days, a 68% reduction in worker's compensation costs, a 39% reduction in cost per claim, and a 43% decrease in labour costs. These enable significant cost-savings for businesses, which in turn provides them with many opportunities to focus on investments that can benefit the success of an organisation.
Ergonomics Improves Team's Productivity
As ergonomics allows workspaces to be designed with employee comfort in mind, it promotes good posture, less exertion, fewer motions and better heights and reaches which makes the workstation or coworking spaces more efficient.
The more convenient and comfortable employees feel when working, the fewer distractions and time spent adjusting posture or taking breaks to reduce sprains, which is estimated to roughly increase productivity by at least 25%. More productivity directly contributes to more performance levels and thereby success rates.
Better Quality of Work
One of the major reasons for deteriorating work quality comes from poor working conditions, which have led to fatigued and frustrated workers with poor physical well-being who are not capable of performing their best. This increases the probability of making errors as well.
As one of the major benefits of ergonomics in the workplace is improving employee health and wellness, it reduces the rate at which employees feel physically exhausted at work because of poor posture, thereby improving work quality and performance which is highly beneficial for organisational success. It is reported that ergonomics considerations at a workplace can reduce scrap and errors by at least 67%.
Positive Impact on Morale and Engagement
Employee engagement is the backbone of organisational success. As ergonomics in the workplace improves the quality of work life, physical well-being, health, and wellness, organisations approximately experience a 48% reduction in employee turnover and a 58% reduction in absenteeism. This has a significant positive impact on improving employee mood, consistency, morale and overall engagement.
Ergonomics Fosters Innovative Thinking
Innovation and success go hand in hand in the corporate world. When made proper use in an office space, ergonomics in the workplace can make employees feel comfortable and at ease while working, which helps them focus better. It reduces pain, strengthens muscles, and increases blood flow which all when combined improve mental insights which are extremely crucial for innovative thinking.
With proper ergonomics, employees are also less likely to experience anxiety and stress which improves awareness, mood, and focus, together allowing them to concentrate better and cultivate innovative thinking patterns in a healthy environment.
Ergonomics in the Workplace: A Strategic Investment
By optimizing workstations, tools, and tasks to fit the job nature of employees, organisations can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and other health issues that can affect physical well-being. Proper ergonomic practices directly result in low levels of workplace injuries, improved job satisfaction, increased efficiency, and overall productivity. Therefore, prioritizing ergonomics is a strategic investment that fosters a healthier, more productive work environment, ultimately benefiting both employees and employers.